Village Treasurer

The main duties of the Village of Windsor Treasurer are to periodically report to the Village Board of all monies received and disbursed by the Village of WIndsor.  Such report shall be furnished monthly or as often as requested by the Board of Trustees. 

The Village Treasurer shall receive all monies due to the Village of Windsor and to deposit said funds into a financial instution that has been approved by the Board of Trustees as a repository for village funds.  

The Village of WIndsor Treasurer shall receive all monthly bank statements and reconcile the village chekbooks with bank records.

The Village of Windsor Treasurer shall render an annual report to the village board at the end of each fiscal year of all the monies received and disbursed by the village for that fiscal year.  Additionally the village treasurer shall prepare an annual report for publication as prescribed by State Statute and deliver said report to the village clerk to be published as prescribed by state law. 

The village treasurer is to cooperate with any auditors hired by the board to annually inspect the village financial accounts and render an opinion as to the accuracy and soundness of said accounts as prescribed by state law and to provide said auditors with all requested documents and information.  

The village treasurer is to be appointed annually by the village president and subsequently approved by the village board. 

Kevin L. Willems is the current treasurer for the Village of Windsor and has held that position since January 1, 1997.

Contact Info

Kevin WIllems
Village Treasurer
[email protected]

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